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Vega brewery
Welcome to Vega, a craftbeer brewery on Ringön in the heart of Gothenburg. We want to bring great beer to all thirsty beerlovers. Welcome to order our beer or give us a visit!

Are you a distributor or from the restaurant business and want to make an order from the brewery? Feel free to contact us!
Kalle von Spreti
+46 (0)73 510 00 79
Do you want to order our beer as a private person? Go further to our assortment at!
You can also try our beers in our taproom.
It is open fridays & saturdays.

A bunch of tasty beers
Hoppy, crispy, fresh and delicious. Check out our wide range of beers!
Company event
Want to book a private After Work with your company at our brewery? Please contact us!